The Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) Extension Program Unit is one of three program units of WSU Extension within the College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences (CAHNRS) at Washington State University.
The state of Washington is beautiful, rich in natural resources, and has a highly diverse topography, climate, and growing conditions. This diversity is reflected in our people, communities, farms, and industries—and our significant natural resources. Washington’s agricultural systems are among the most diverse in the nation and produce over 300 different crops, marketed domestically and internationally. Washington is also home to a highly productive livestock and dairy industry.
The work of our ANR Unit faculty spans a broad range of expertise that includes agronomic and horticultural crops; animal agriculture; water resources; environmental stewardship; forestry; rangeland management; farm management; marketing; apiculture; integrated pest management; pesticide safety; and urban horticulture. In addition, our ANR Unit personnel lead interdisciplinary efforts in local food systems and regional food policy, providing increased economic opportunities for farmers and consumers. This site provides listings for ANR Unit personnel with contact information as well as our areas of expertise.